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How it Works
The MyPaperGeek team is comprised of professional essay writers and researchers degrees in relevant subjects, each of them shares a passion towards getting the right answer to the most complex questions.
We have brought those leading specialist together to help you excel in your studies. Covering all major academic fields we can provide an unrivaled quality of support and writing service.
From the very beginning, you will be guided by your own personal adviser. You will be advised on the best possible solution to your problem. From the moment you submit the order, your assignment is taken care of by one of our leading specialists. You can receive a live update on your order or simply relax and enjoy the rest of your studies.
Such a high-level of personalized service is only possible thanks to our dedicated team of experts. Here are some examples of typical employees at Mypapergeek.com

Expert: Economics, Political Economics
Department: Research Papers
Part-time employee. Graduate degree in Politics from Penn State University 2006; undergraduate degree in Political Economics from Texas University (Austin) in 2004.
Interests: Current and international affairs, rafting, contemporary art.

Expert: IT
Department: Essays
Full time employee of MyPapergeek.com. Graduate of University of Minnesota. Bachelor degree with distinction in Software Engineering.
Interests: C++, Java, HTML, Pascal

Senior Expert: Business and Management
Department: Term Papers
Freelance employee of Mypapergeek.com. MBA, Harvard Business School, 2007. Undergraduate degree from Bocconi University, Italy in Bs Economics
Interests: Running the enterprise, tennis.

Proofreader: Social Sciences
Department: Essays
Full time employee of Mypapergeek.com. Graduate of University of Illinois, 2005. Advanced language courses and extended linguistics training, Jan 2006 - June 2006.
Interests: Politics, reading and golf

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Thank You.
"(Stacy L. wood (CA))
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- orders@mypapergeek.com
- support@mypapergeek.com
- info@geeksfreelance.com
Our Official websites:
- www.mypapergeek.com
- www.mypapergeek.net